Terms and Conditions

1. Guarantee

Goods for heat treatment shall be handled with necessary care at all times
The customer Acknowledges and accepts that the Induction Hardening process carries inherent risks to the items including but not limited to cracking, distortion, failure to respond, segregation, grain growth, melting and variation in surface finish dependent upon such factors as material composition, harden ability, sizes and sections and manufacturing history including prior heat treatment.
The customer accepts that the supplier is not liable in any way to the customer or to any other person for any loss or damage of any kind that is directly or indirectly caused by or result from the Induction hardening treatment.
The customer accepts that the hardness required will be depended on the material used and that not all hardness specs can be achieved.
The customer accepts that the Hardness depth required can only be estimated unless a sample piece is supplied for destructive testing to evaluate the actual depth on every batch that is Induction Hardened

2. Special conditions of sale for heat treatment

The following information should accompany any given order:
(A) Number of pieces, net weight
(B) Steel brand or analysis
(C) Hardness required
(D) Depth of hardness required (sample piece will be required for destructive testing to evaluate the depth of the induction hardening) if not, depth will be estimated without any guarantee
(E) Full description of where to harden accompanied with a heat treatment drawing

3. Amendment.

After examination of samples of the goods or upon receipt of the goods, the company has the right to amend the quotation or decline to accept the goods for the Induction hardening Treatment or to cancel this agreement without liability to the customer.

View Our Full Terms & Conditions Below
